The Disclaimer of

Car history cannot be held liable for:
-the information that is received and the decisions that are made on that basis
-the failure or incorrect transmission of the information due to hardware, software or network failures
-the failure or incorrect sending of the information due to an incorrect or incomplete registration number by the customer.

The information on the site is regularly supplemented and / or adjusted.
The information contained on our website is exclusively intended for general information purposes to which Dutch law applies.
Due to the changed nature of legislation and regulations and the risks of electronic communication, delays, defects and / or other imperfections may occur in the information provided on our website.

The information provided on our website cannot be considered as legal, financial, tax or other advice. Therefore, based on the information obtained through our website, no actions must be taken without prior expert advice.

Although we exercise the greatest possible care in the compilation and maintenance of the information provided on our website, car deaths cannot guarantee that this information is complete, up-to-date and / or accurate. Car history therefore accepts no liability whatsoever for direct or indirect damage caused by using the information provided on our website.

The word marks and logos (hereinafter together: "marks") used and displayed on this site are registered or unregistered marks of car pasts or others and may not be used without the prior written permission of the holder of those marks. in advertising or other advertising material. Other intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyrights, design rights and rights to databases, which are related to or rest on (parts of) this website or on the depicted objects, also belong to car pasts or third parties and may be written without prior written permission. permission of the creator, holder and / or entitled party is not copied, reproduced or made public, except to the extent strictly necessary for consulting the website or communicating about or establishing or executing an agreement with car pasts

Car pasts exclude all liability for any direct or indirect damage, of any nature whatsoever, arising from or in any way related to the website.

Any abuse of this website will be prosecuted.

Questions about our Privacy Policy
If you have questions or comments about our privacy policy, you can address this to
Of course we greatly appreciate good suggestions, do not hesitate to tell us on which points we might improve our service.