Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I have not received a report after paying.
Enter the license plate number in the input field below, you will receive a code with which you can view the report.
Your code is:
Save this code well, you can use it for 30 days to request your report.
If you have done a chassis check, you can enter the chassis number in the input field below, you will receive a code with which you can view the report.
Your code is:
Save this code well, you can use it for 30 days to request your report.

I just did a check but accidentally clicked it away, what now?
At the top of the home page you will see MY CHECKS , if you click on that you will get an overview of the checks you have made. See example page " my checks "
If that does not work, you can contact us by e-mail. In this e-mail you state the bank account number used for the iDeal payment or the e-mail address I use for the paypaly payment. We will check whether you have actually paid and will email you the requested information.

How soon will I receive the information after I have paid?
You will see the requested information immediately after you have paid.
A full car past check therefore takes no longer than a few minutes.

I tried to print the report, but then the report suddenly disappeared. How can I view it again?
If you go back to the home page you will see the link "my checks" at the top of the menu.
See example CLICK HERE
If you click on my checks you will return to your report.

I have received a code so that I can see the requested report again later, where should I enter it?
You can enter the code at the top of the home page at REPORT REPORT.
Below you see an image with the place where you can enter the code:

I have received a code to view the report that I have requested again, but it does not work.
- The code you received is case sensitive, so pay attention to this.
- Sometimes there is also confusion between the zero (0) and the letter O. The zero is narrower than the O so use the correct one.
- The easiest way is if you cut and paste the code, but if you want to view the report on different computers, you must retype it correctly.
- Also make sure that you enter the code in the right place, so NOT at the yellow license plate but view it above at Report .
- If it still does not work, you can contact us and we will provide a solution.

I have done the mileage check and it indicates ONLOGIC, what is this based on?
For the mileage check we work together with Stichting Nationale AutoPas and the RDW.
The odometer readings are collected from various sources.
For example at MOT inspections, maintenance visits and via data from the National Road Traffic Agency, Importers and leasing companies. Our conclusion is based on the collected data of this car in our database. If you believe that the odometer reading is correct, you can request a print-out of the registered odds at a garage that is connected to the RDW. For this you must personally visit the vehicle and the license plate.
This may show that there has been an incorrect entry of a position and that the mileage is correct.
If the requested information at the garage shows that the mileage is correct then you can contact the RDW so that they can improve this in the system. You can use the following link to request a correction for the mileage:

Foreign damage can or cannot be claimed
It is possible to look up foreign claims with the chassis check. To do the chassis check, you must enter the chassis number of the vehicle, after which our system will check whether any damage has been registered abroad. Via the number plate check it is only possible to look up damage that has been driven in the Netherlands and to see damage that was present during the introduction of the vehicle (see: what is proof to the contrary). Via the license plate check where the license plate of a vehicle is entered, it is therefore not possible to look up damage from abroad. The reason that there are 2 separate checks for at home and abroad (license plate check and the chassis check) is that it is legally forbidden to make a digital link with the license plate and the chassis number. This has to do with the fight against fraud.

What is proof to the contrary?
A proof to the contrary is a form that can be used by a car dealer or private individual when entering a damaged vehicle. A vehicle with damage is worth less than the same vehicle without damage, which means that less import tax and BPM have to be paid. Because of the large financial profits that can be achieved with this, this is done frequently and there is also much fraud with it. So be careful when buying an imported vehicle because there is a good chance that it has been imported with damage. Always check an imported vehicle on for a damage in the past.

During the check I received an error message, what now?
In this case, contact us and state the license plate number and account number with which you paid.
We will still send you the requested information or refund the costs incurred by you.
Take contact on.

After I have filled in the license plate I am unable to continue and I cannot do a check, what am I doing wrong?
This is due to settings on your computer. The fastest solution is to try it again with another computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. There is a good chance that you can make a request with this.

How can I pay with my credit card / visa / master card?
If you choose to pay with paypal you can pay with your master card. On the paypal site, under the login fields there is a possible paypal account: Paying with a card.
If you click on that you can pay with your credit card.

Be on it also claims mentioned if a car comes from abroad?
We have no insight into foreign damage data. Only when the foreign car has been imported to the Netherlands and is registered. Can we include damage that is driven from that moment in our database, what has happened before that remains unknown to us.

Are there also engines in the damage database?
Yes, engines with damage are also registered, but this number is not very large.

Are there motorhomes in the damage database? focuses more on the damage history of cars, damage from motorhomes is registered, but the coverage is not very large.
can find out the previous owner of a vehicle?
That is not possible, the Personal Data Act impedes that. We do, however, have detailed information regarding the number of owners who have had a vehicle.

What damages are there in the database?
We focus primarily on more serious damage that is important for the quality of the vehicle.
Scratches and small dents are not registered, we only register the damage if a part is so badly damaged that it needs to be replaced.
Cars that have been declared a total loss are also not registered because they are taken to the demolition and no longer enter the road.

Cars from what year are listed in the database?
We therefore also register cars from every year of construction.

When will the damage be recorded?
We started from 2007 with registering damage, through cooperation with various companies we also have damage from before in the database.

I want to advertise on
If you have a product that fits well with what is offered on car pasts, you can contact us.

I want to sell damage information to is that possible?
Do you have damage data from a number of license plates and do you want to know if we are interested in that? Then contact us. State the number of license plates. Take contact on.